Press Release: Proposed Wards Submitted to Town Board: Map Posted on Town Website and will be at various locations throughout Town
For Immediate Release
February 8, 2017
Proposed Wards Submitted to Town Board
Map Posted on Town Website and will be at various locations throughout Town
(New City, NY) – Clarkstown Supervisor George Hoehmann announced today the proposed ward boundaries were submitted to the Town Board by consultants. The proposed maps and associated documents are posted on the Town’s website at www.clarkstown.org.
“I encourage every resident to visit our website or one of our community centers or libraries to view the proposed map of the wards and email us their comments or come to the Town meeting on February 28th and the March 7th public hearing,” said Supervisor George Hoehmann. “The ward system represents local government at its best, where the needs of a community are brought to the forefront. I encourage everyone to let their voice be heard. These are proposed maps but now the public has the ability to offer comment to which we will listen before a final map is adopted on March 7th, ” said Supervisor Hoehmann.
The Supervisor’s office will be sending a link of the proposed maps and documents to the Town’s e-news list and the maps will be on display at Town Hall, the Town’s four community centers, and to all libraries in Clarkstown by the end of the week.
Public comment has been an integral part in deciding how ward boundaries are to be drawn. The Town has conducted an information campaign to various community and civic groups to receive input from their stakeholders. In addition, the Town Board held a workshop on January 10th and a public hearing on January 31st and will hold another public hearing on February 28th and March 7th at 7:30pm at Town Hall. The Town also created an email address where public comments may be electronically submitted. Those wishing to submit via email can do so by using ward@clarkstown.org. All comments submitted via email will go into the public record along with comments made during the public hearings.
The ward system was approved by the voters in November 2015. One council member will be elected from each of the four wards.