Press Release: Supervisor Hoehmann Honors Veterans and Active Duty Military
For Immediate Release
September 27, 2016
Supervisor Hoehmann Honors Veterans and Active Duty Military
Residents or Businesses can Sponsor a Military Tribute Banner in New Program
(New City, NY) – Clarkstown Supervisor George Hoehmann today announced a new program that will honor our local veterans and those currently serving our nation in the United States Armed Forces. Residents or businesses can sponsor a veteran or soldier with a military tribute banner to be displayed on Main Street, New City.
Each banner will honor a veteran or active duty service member from the area by displaying their photo, branch of service, and military service information. Beautifully designed, they are to be displayed on the decorative light poles on Main Street in New City for 60-90 days including Veteran’s Day.
“The military tribute banners are a small way we can acknowledge the sacrifice many of our neighbors have made serving our community and our Country,” said Supervisor George Hoehmann. “Our local veterans and active duty service members are our true heroes, and this program allows Clarkstown to proudly honor them right in the County’s seat.”
The banner program, including cost of installation, is paid for through individual sponsorships. For $250, local families and businesses can sponsor a banner of active military members or veterans. In exchange for having their sponsorship, their name is placed on the bottom portion of the banner as the proud sponsor. The banners are then given to the family or sponsor at the endof the display period.
For more information about the program or to sponsor a banner, contact 845-639-2050 or visit www.clarkstown.org and click the military tribute banners logo.