For Immediate Release
March 10, 2016
Supervisor George Hoehmann to be Guest Speaker for NYSDEC Solar Field Webinar
(New City, NY) – Clarkstown Supervisor George Hoehmann is honored to be the guest speaker for the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation, Climate Smart Communities webinar titled Solar Power on Landfills: Case Studies and Lessons Learned. The webinar is scheduled for March 10, 2016, 10:30am – 12pm.
In 2014, a groundbreaking, large-scale solar field proposed by Supervisor Hoehmann was opened on the Town’s closed landfill in West Nyack. The 13-acre site now contains over 8,000 solar panels creating renewable energy that will result in a long-term savings of over $4,000,000 to the taxpayers of Clarkstown.
Supervisor Hoehmann will provide an overview of the special considerations involved when installing solar power on a landfill, the process and the lessons learned.
“I’m proud that Clarkstown is a leader in municipalities’ use of solar power and am honored to share the process and success of creating the first large scale solar field on a landfill in the state of New York,” said Supervisor Hoehmann. The benefits are many and go far beyond environmental, to include predictability and long-term prolonged savings.”
Residents interested in participating can email the Office of Climate Change at climatechange@dec.ny.gov or call 518-402-8448.
To join the webinar on Mar. 10, follow these steps:
First join the online meeting by clicking this link: https://meetny.webex.com/meetny/j.php?MTID=m6714e80059acbc301228a3ea694f1734
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