For Immediate Release
July 8, 2016
Supervisor Hoehmann, Town of Clarkstown Observe Moment of Silence to Honor Slain Dallas Police and DART Officers
“Officers were forever silenced while protecting the right to free speech”
(New City, NY) – Clarkstown Supervisor George Hoehmann, joined by members of the Town Board, the Clarkstown Police Department, Town Staff and residents, observed a moment of silence to honor the five Dallas officers who were killed on Thursday, July 6, 2016.
“We come together as a community to mourn the lives of the officers who were brutally assassinated last night in Dallas. Tragically, these officers were forever silenced while protecting the right of others to free speech,” said Supervisor Hoehmann. “Any loss of life is tragic, but last night’s events are particularly chilling and a reminder of the threats and challenges police officers face every day throughout our country. Clarkstown stands in solidarity with the men and women of the Dallas Police Department and DART, and send our condolences to the families of the fallen.”
Also present were New York State Assemblyman Ken Zebrowski and Rockland County Sheriff Lou Falco.
In addition to observing a moment of silence, Supervisor Hoehmann ordered all town flags to half-staff for one week.