(New City, NY) – Supervisor George Hoehmann joined the members of the Clarkstown Town Council last night in unanimously adopting a local law extending the property tax exemption for those veterans who served during the Cold War.
The initial Cold War Veteran tax exemption law contained a ten year sunset provision, which was about to expire. A new state law empowered municipalities to extend the tax exemption indefinitely.
Supervisor Hoehmann said, “All veterans deserve any assistance we can offer them. The men and women who served honorably in the armed forces during the Cold War-era stood at the ready to defend our nation throughout periods of tremendous tension and uncertainty. They had our backs. Last night, Clarkstown showed that we continue to have theirs.”
All active duty Cold War Veterans will now receive a permanent property tax reduction. To qualify, a veteran must have served on active duty for a minimum of 365 days between September 2, 1945 and December 26, 1991 and been honorably discharged. For more information or to obtain an application, veterans can contact the Town’s Assessor’s Office at 845-639-2031. The deadline to submit applications for tax exemptions is March 1st.
The property must be the veteran’s primary residence. Additional benefits are available if the veteran received a compensation rating for a service-connected disability.